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  • Why PathwayIQ?

Why customer journey intelligence
inspires better decision-making than
web analytics alone

PathwayIQ empowers digital teams to make better decisions on where to invest their valuable budget.

Here’s a starters guide on how to shift to a customer journey- centric model to increase your marketing effectiveness.


Why you need customer journey


Most companies rely on data from traditional web analytics to make decisions on

where to invest, but basing decisions on this data has two major shortcomings:

Shortcoming #1

These platforms rely on session-based metrics like traffic, time spent, and first/last touch attribution.

This focuses attention on what channels and parts of your site are attracting and accumulating the most quantity of engagement in the moment versus what is actually moving customers to convert and driving the best business results over time.

Shortcoming #2

These platforms were designed for analytics teams with dashboards that take valuable time to instrument and maintain, yet are difficult for marketers to distill, understand, and take action on.

With PathwayIQ’s customer journey intelligence, you

shift from guessing on where to invest based on proxy

metrics to knowing based on a deep understanding of

the customer journey.

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How PathwayIQ works

PathwayIQ was built with a very simple mission: To simplify the lives of marketers and help them increase performance with better decision-making.

To do this, PathwayIQ tracks customer journeys over multiple sessions–from referral channel to first touch, to middle touch(es), last touch, and conversion(s). The platform automatically indexes your site and makes it easy to capture all of the events you care most about — clicking to product pages, watching a video, downloading a podcast or white paper, selecting “buy now,” or filling out demo requests or lead forms. From there, the platform provides insights into what channels, pages, and content lead to the most conversions in an easy-to-understand dashboard.

While this sounds complex to set up and difficult to deploy, many of our clients are up and collecting data within a day and our Customer Success team is here to guide you to…. Success.

Customer Journey measure the impact of each interaction on conversion

When you are trying to attract new customers or further engage existing ones it is important to remember that it takes time and multiple touches to move them through the buyer’s journey. Along the way you are trying to anticipate the customer needs and provide valuable content and information that builds awareness, educates them, drives consideration and ultimately gets them to take action. Customer journeys track this accumulated experience so that you can know what content, pages and channels are the most impactful.


How customer journey intelligence makes your digital content more effective.

Optimizing your channel spend

Imagine this: You are using paid Twitter and paid LinkedIn to drive traffic to a landing page that includes a lead gen form. You see a spike in traffic with 1,000 visitors coming from Twitter with 100 leads being created and 1000 visitors from LinkedIn with 50 leads being created.

With traditional web analytics, you would conclude that Twitter is a better investment for future campaigns because it created twice as many leads — but this only tells part of the story.

PathwayIQ shows you the whole story:

  • Twitter may have initially converted 100 leads, but of the visitors that didn’t convert immediately, 50 of them started a “journey” and explored other parts of your site (content, product pages, etc.) and ended up converting to leads 35 days later. When you take customer journey data into account, this campaign actually generated 150 leads.
  • LinkedIn initially converted 50 leads, but of the visitors that didn’t convert immediately, 150 started a “journey” and explored other parts of your site and ended up converting to leads 15 days later. Here, journey data shows that the LinkedIn campaign actually generated more leads (200 total) in a much shorter period of time.

Optimizing SEO & Content for business results

Most companies use SEO as a means to drive traffic. Although this improves organic traffic, you are most certainly paying for it with the cost of content production, SEO agencies, technology, and more. In most cases, the metrics used to judge the performance of SEO are overall traffic and in some cases last-click attribution–but you don’t really know if you’re just racking up page views or if that investment is actually driving conversions for your business.

Instead of optimizing based on views or time on page, you can use PathwayIQ to see exactly what content assets are impacting conversions vs. those which get a ton of views but don’t show up in any successful journeys. This helps you know what content to create more or less of and gives you a clear understanding of SEO value, so you can invest accordingly.

Creating better customer experiences

There are many customer experience and product analytics platforms out there, but most still focus on what happens within the confines of a session or break/fix insights. This works well if you are optimizing an e-commerce platform, but for higher consideration products and services, this means you’re only optimizing a sliver of the customer journey.

PathwayIQ provides a view into the “golden pathways” customers are taking across multiple sessions. This enables you to see what pages and elements are most efficient in guiding customers to convert and which are dead ends.

Why customer journey intelligence now

Go-to-market efficiency has never been more important. With PathwayIQ you can see exactly what is driving conversions so you can invest with confidence

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