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While the role of content has evolved over the last two decades, the technology businesses have been forced to use has remained uninspired. That is why, according to the Content Marketing Institute, nearly 60% of businesses aren’t getting the insights they need from their content. So while companies are turning to content as a primary way to tell their story, enhance brand and build their audience – their current technology is making it difficult to understand if their content is driving the outcomes they need to compete. 

Luckily, the next generation of content technology is emerging. Brands across the world are expanding and modernizing their martech stack with content intelligence technology. We hope you were able to join Knotch, Semrush (Fernando Angulo, Head of Communications) and our special guests:

  • Shannon Harlow, Sr. Director of Analytics @ Cox
  • Alex Valencia, President @ We Do Web Content

We discussed why brands investing in content need to be investing in content technology and how it is changing what is possible.

Some topics we covered:

  • How current martech stacks fall short for content
  • What does “next generation of content technology” mean?
  • What type of business outcomes you should be driving with content 
  • The role that data plays in making all of this possible