Fueling Insights Through Content Tagging and Taxonomy

Unlock the potential of your content strategy by creating a robust framework for content tagging and taxonomy. This workshop, led by Keith Wiegold, Senior Director of Content Strategy at Knotch, and featuring Ian Port, Director of Content at Zillow, highlights the importance of proper tagging and organization to garner valuable content insights. Discover how effective content tagging can power comprehensive content audits, helping you determine what to retire, update and enhance to boost content performance based on the insights you collect. In this session you’ll learn: 

  • How organized content can provide deep insights into both your audience and content performance
  • Why proper content tagging and taxonomy are crucial for effective content measurement and optimization
  • The steps to develop a comprehensive content tagging and taxonomy framework
  • How Zillow puts content tagging and taxonomy into action

Download a copy of this session’s playbook here

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