Trusted by digital & content marketing teams

Increase conversions
up to 3x

Prove the brand impact of your content

Optimize content with AI that's fine-tuned by your data.

Plots your performance.

Maps your potential.

Knotch One’s always-on content performance audit scores each page based on its impact on your business goals. Whether you're focused on brand building or driving conversions, you'll gain clear insights into what truly moves the needle.

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Gain a site-wide perspective of what content is driving business impact, spot top performers and areas of improvement or removal.

Drill down into each performance quadrant for a detailed analysis, insights and actions

Track content’s improvement over time to clearly see the impact of your optimizations and fine-tune future strategies.

Diagnoses the problem.

Prescribes the solution.

Data is your content’s truth serum. That's why we collect engagement, sentiment, conversion, and journey data site-wide - to uncover what’s working, what’s not, and tell you why.

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Track users over time to understand how content is impacting the customer journey and identify accelerators and potential blockers.

Use Knotch Surveys to understand if your content is providing value to audiences and diagnose opportunities for improvement.

Combine survey feedback, engagement and conversion data to get a holistic picture of content performance throughout the customer journey.

Learns from your data.

Optimizes itself.

Knotch’s AI learns from your unique content performance data and is trained on your brand voice - so you can optimize low performing content, repurpose high performing content and generate new content, with a click of a button.

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Optimize Existing Content.
Enhance underperforming content to boost its effectiveness and drive better results.

Repurpose Top Content
Version high-performing content for different audiences, segments, formats and channels.

Create New Content
Craft data-driven content tailored to your brand’s unique voice and goals.


Trusted by the best (and now smartest) brands in the world.

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See Knotch One

“Before Knotch we did not understand what content was driving business results. Now we understand which content moves the needle. Knotch’s cohesive reporting and insights paint a real picture of what’s happening on our website instead of the patchwork quilt that comes from a Google Analytics approach.  With Knotch we have been able to re-prioritize ad spend, route better leads to our SDR team, and inform our content development initiatives.”

Ben Bishop
Director, Digital Marketing, Insperity

"The Knotch platform to ensure that we deliver high-performing content tailored to young home shoppers, enhancing their experience and driving better business outcomes.”

Ravi Kandikonda
CMO, Zillow

"Our partnership with Knotch has been highly successful, empowering us to leverage data-driven insights and refine our content strategy.”

Brandon Lawson
Director of Content Strategy, Smile Train
Not just a pretty platform

We’re the authority in content strategy
& thought-leadership

Content Leadership:  The First 100 Days – Insights for Success

Discover key strategies for content leadership in the first 100 days. Learn from industry leaders at Knotch's workshop as they share insights on defining goals, fostering collaboration, prioritizing audiences, and driving impact.

The Rise of the Content Leader

Discover why the modern organization demands a top-level content leader to drive strategy, coordination, and ROI. Explore how visionary brands like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank are redefining content leadership to meet evolving audience needs.

Charles Handy’s Shamrock Organization Model: A Blueprint for AI-Driven Content Teams

Explore Charles Handy's Shamrock Organization Model and its relevance to AI-driven content teams. Learn how core employees, freelancers, and outsourcing integrate with AI to shape the future of content strategy and production."

What Michelangelo Can Teach Us About Crafting the Perfect Content Brief

Discover how lessons from Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel commissions can transform your content strategy. Learn to write creative briefs that inspire high-performing, audience-focused content.

‍The Missing Ingredient of Content Governance is…‍

Explore enterprise content governance—strategies, challenges, and tools to ensure content aligns with business goals and drives measurable outcomes.

A Guide to Leveraging Content Intelligence for Business Growth

Learn how content intelligence can transform your content into a powerful growth engine. Discover how advanced insights and AI-driven optimization can help you align content with business goals, enhance customer journeys, and drive measurable results like conversions and brand loyalty.

Unlock Content Alchemy with Leading and Lagging Indicators

In the world of content marketing, it’s easy to feel swamped by the endless sea of metrics available. How do you pinpoint the key indicators that truly drive business outcomes like brand awareness, lead generation and conversions?The secret lies in distinguishing between leading indicators, which provide early signals on content performance, and lagging indicators, which confirm whether your efforts hit the mark. Understanding how these two types of metrics work in tandem can transform your approach to measuring content success and ensure your strategy aligns with long-term business goals.

Does Your Brand Have Too Much Content?

At Knotch, we hear from marketing and content leaders every week that they need to scale their content output – for new channels, for more organic search traffic, for campaigns, for thought leadership, for personalization engines, for new journey stages, for regions, countries, markets.

8 Characteristics of High-performing Content: A Guide for Content Marketers

In today’s fast-paced marketing landscape, high-performing content is more crucial than ever. With the digital space becoming increasingly saturated, standing out requires more than just good writing; it demands content that not only captures attention but also drives measurable business results that matter. High-performing content is defined as content that garners high visibility and significant business impact, measured by key performance indicators such as acquisition, retention, conversion and brand perception. Engagement is not a business outcome — important as the means, but not the end goal.

Why Your Content Roadmap Needs an Urgent Update

Content marketing is moving from the sidelines to being front and center as strategies, plans, and tactics are developed and executed. In Knotch’s humble view, go-forward roadmaps for content need an urgent update to capture all the opportunities for growth that face marketers.

Why the End of Your Customer Journey Is More Important Than the Beginning

Discover why focusing on the end of your customer journey can boost conversions. Learn how to optimize your content strategy to guide customers effectively, personalize their digital experience, and maximize the value of every website visit.

RESEARCH REPORT: AI Adoption In Marketing — The Game Changer You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Beam Content's Brooklin Nash and Sam Hembree discuss how a solid piece of B2B content can work for multiple goals and KPIs, for multiple audiences.
