Optimize campaigns with content insights

For content marketing teams, delivering higher ROI on their brand’s investment in content requires solutions for developing superior content insights. Most content teams have lots of content analytics tools at their disposal, and they may even be overwhelmed by the amount of data available to them. But culling essential content insights out of mountains of metrics and analytics requires special skills – or the right analytics platform.

That’s where Knotch can help. As an end-to-end Content Intelligence Platform, Knotch collects data and tracks all the content marketing metrics that matter, using AI-powered processes to automatically surface key content insights that enable more effective data-driven content campaigns.

The content insights that matter

Content insights allow marketers to optimize content assets, improve campaign performance, and achieve higher ROI. To continually enhance content efforts, marketers need data and analytics that can reveal a variety of insights.

  • Real-time performance insights can help teams to quickly pivot, revising assets that aren’t performing well or altering the distribution mix when a channel is bringing in unengaged viewers, for example.
  • Audience sentiment data lets marketers know how users feel about content – whether they like it and find it valuable, or whether the content is contributing to a negative feeling about the brand. With this data, marketers can revise or replace underperforming assets and more effectively plan content for future campaigns.
  • Competitive analysis. Insights into competitors’ campaigns – including strategy, publishing cadence, and top creative themes – let CMOs establish benchmarks and help content teams produce campaigns that will more effectively compete for the attention of target audiences.
  • Publisher insights. Insights into publishing partners can help teams select the right distribution channels to reach audiences effectively.

When content teams have easy access to comprehensive content insights, they can more effectively develop a compelling storytelling content strategy and execute more successful campaigns.

Knotch: automated content insights and analytics

Knotch is the independent Content Intelligence Platform for content insights that CMOs and their teams can use to plan, measure, optimize, and benchmark efforts across owned and paid strategies. Through real-time, actionable intelligence, content teams can develop the data, analytics, and insights they need to ensure a higher return on their brand’s content investment.

With Knotch, marketing teams can:

  • Automatically surface critical insights. Our AI-powered platform brings critical content insights to marketers’ attention, including insights that can be easily missed. The Knotch platform also offers access to the most relevant content intelligence, allowing marketers to review insights based on audience, topic, and more. Marketers can dig deeper into any content insight with a single click, and see what content types and formats resonate best with content marketers.
  • Move quickly with real-time insights. From competitive intelligence to campaign performance, we deliver real-time data and analytics that let teams move with greater agility and optimize current campaigns with greater precision.
  • Get a fuller understanding of audiences. Knotch has developed a way to collect audience feedback that provides marketers with a clear understanding of how audiences feel about a piece of content as they engage with it. By collecting and communicating audience sentiment data in real-time, our platform helps marketers to immediately take steps to do more of what’s working and to revise what’s not.

Solutions on the Knotch Content Intelligence Platform

The Knotch Content Intelligence Platform offers a suite of solutions designed to deliver end-to-end content insights that fuel more effective strategy and execution.

  • Content-wide analytics deliver a complete view of content performance across owned and paid channels. We enable content insights based on comprehensive quantitative data, audience demographics, and invaluable qualitative feedback.
  • Competitor content analysis provides in-depth review of competitors’ content strategy, publishing cadence, and themes. Our platform enables marketers to search and review content investments across industries, brands, and publishers. We also help improve content distribution strategy with insight into the best publishers for a campaign based on creative approach, KPIs, and target audience demographics.
  • Content journey mapping tools let teams take control of the reader’s journey from one piece of content to the next, mapping content to each stage of the journey to better meet the needs of users and focus them on high-value actions.
  • Our content recommendation engine uses continuous learning and feedback collected through personalized conversations to automatically inform the next, most valuable step in the customer’s journey.
  • An automated content library, providing a single repository for all content assets. Knotch platform automatically organizes, classifies, tags, and indexes each piece of content, and delivers robust search and filter capabilities for finding content by topic, keyword, URL, and more.

Why choose content insights from Knotch?

Leading brands across many industry verticals have chosen to develop content insights with Knotch for many reasons. One of the most important: we work exclusively with brands and never monetize from any distribution channels, so our brand customers can trust that our data is unbiased. Unlike data provided by distribution channels, digital agencies, and other third parties, we have no stake in the success of what we are measuring – our only obligation is to defend the truth and provide brands with content insights they can trust. Additionally, our data is first-party data, owned forever by the brand, and anonymized for GDPR, CCPA, and other data privacy regulations.

FAQs: What are content insights?

What are content insights?

In content marketing, content insights are the learnings and understandings that marketers draw from data and analytics about audiences, their preferences in content, and the performance of campaigns, individual content assets, and distribution channels. Content insights can help marketers know how to increase the effectiveness of campaigns, and where investments of time and money will yield higher ROI for content efforts.

How are content insights developed?

Content insights are derived from the wealth of data that is available in content marketing campaigns. To develop development accurate and helpful insights, content teams need solutions that can provide comprehensive data, aggregate it across platforms, and automatically surface the insights that matter most to the brand.